Carrying the Message to Professionals

Happy New Year 2024. For me, working this program one day at a time for over 14 years, I’ve grown up a lot – to the point that I actually want to take care of my body, the body God, HP, gave me. This means being loving, gentle and kind to my body. But also, as our OA literature suggests, to get professional help frequently.

So far in January 2024 I’ve been to my annual check-up with a new primary doctor, got blood work done, saw a podiatrist, a dietitian and I’m in physical therapy. I made sure that, when seeing all these new-to-me health professionals, I brought OA information. Being in the service position of Professional Outreach Chair with OA-MAI, I am especially tuned in to sharing with the professionals that I see myself. I brought things like an updated OA-MAI meeting list, OA informational business cards, current Professional Courier newsletters (available at, and OA-MAI informational sticky notes.  I even found some OA-MAI posters that the professionals could hang in their offices or waiting areas if they choose to. Each person I brought information to seemed to appreciate it.

As a professional myself – I always like to add that OA endorses its members seeking professional help as needed. I mention how this program is a lot like AA and that it has helped me keep off over 140 lbs. for over fourteen years.

As I share my medical history with each professional, I am reminded that my compulsive overeating/over-exercising has damaged my body. This includes foot pain, stress fractures in my feet, high blood pressure in my twenties, osteoarthritis starting in my forties, tendonitis in my hamstring, degeneration in my lower back, pinched nerves in my neck – to name a few.

This is a cunning, baffling, deadly disease and I’m so grateful that my Employee Assistant Program therapist in the spring of 2009 asked me if I could stop eating once I started. I had never had anyone ask me that before. I said that I could not stop eating. In fact, I think I even chuckled at the question. She suggested that I attend Overeaters Anonymous, at least six meetings. I’m so grateful for that suggestion. I attended that first meeting and it saved my life.

I am very passionate about carrying the message to health professionals so that they could suggest that others attend OA to help save their lives from this horrible disease! I hope you can join me and the Marching band to keep carrying the message – be the message in 2024!

By Kim B.

Professional Outreach Chair and Marching Band member!

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