
Learn how to feel comfortable in your own skin

Feeling comfortable in my own skin?  How does that happen? 

I was intrigued by this concept of feeling comfortable in my own skin when I heard a speaker at an OA retreat say this. 

I have been at a healthy body weight for 15 years since I was struck abstinent in the spring of 2009 and God stayed doing for me what I could never do alone. But being thin after losing over 100 pounds didn’t take away that obsession of body image. 

It wasn’t until I attended a body image workshop at the LA OA IG’s Birthday Party three years ago that I started to really have peace and serenity with my body. The workshop applied the 12 steps to body issues. It was amazing. I left feeling that I could not take away my hatred of my body, especially certain parts of my body, but God could if I let God. 

The Milwaukee Area Intergroup is presenting this same 12 Step Approach to Body Image. I highly recommend it. 

Today I can honestly say I feel comfortable in my own skin most of the time. The parts of my body I loathed are no longer a problem. I love and cherish my body today the way God made me. 

Be who you are because everyone else is taken. 

By OA member Kim B.

For more information about the Pre-Convention workshop, “A Loving Body Image and the Twelve Steps,” please visit this event page:

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