Stick around for the miracle

Traditionally in OA, most face-to-face meetings dedicate part of the meeting time to orientating the newcomer.  Due to Covid-19, in-person meetings are suspended, so we don’t have that opportunity right now.

If I was a newcomer and joined a phone, virtual, zoom or webcast today, I must confess I likely would be very confused about Overeater’s Anonymous and what it has to offer.

The following are some things I would like to say to a potential newcomer:

The brochure “15 Questions*” may help you determine if you are a one of us.  The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively.  OA is dedicated to help individuals recover from compulsive overeating, anorexia, bulimia, over-exercising, food addiction and obesity.  Try at least six meetings before deciding if this is for you.  This is not your traditional diet and calories club and we do not endorse any particular plan of eating.  “Take what you want and leave the rest.”  This means that some things may not be what you consider helpful, so focus on what is!

OA’s “Unity with Diversity Policy” states all are welcome to join Overeater’s Anonymous and are not excluded because of race, creed, nationality, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other trait.  We welcome all who share our compulsion.

“Principles before personalities.”  To me, this means don’t leave if someone says something you don’t like.  I did leave briefly and gained 20 pounds.  Sure showed them!

OA is worldwide.  World, regional and inter-group service bodies coordinate the business part of our meetings and value your service, if possible.  We are not for profit.  There are meetings of all kinds every day, including holidays.   OA has tools and steps.  It is a simple program but it is not easy.  This program is physical, emotional and spiritual, patterned after Alcoholic’s Anonymous.  OA experience has taught us that to achieve abstinence from our compulsion and maintain recovery, we needed to change or develop a concept of a power greater than ourselves.

Everything in Overeater’s Anonymous is suggested, but to do your best, do the steps and tools and ask for help.  You do not need to go this alone!  Embrace the multitude of slogans you will hear.  “Progress, not perfection,” is an example of one.  Spend at least as much time involved in Overeater’s Anonymous as you did with your negative food behavior.  Give service to the best of your ability because it will help you. “You cannot keep it unless you give it away.” 

How many of us joined the groups or fitness programs, quickly dropped out, were not willing to change any of our food and other behaviors; time passed and little changed.  I fooled around with this program for years and even gained weight!  I kept going to meetings and one day at a time was released from my sugar addiction for almost 11 years and lost almost 80 pounds.  You probably will need to change some of your food and life-style behaviors. 

Good luck.  This program is life changing.  Stick around for the miracle.  I sure am glad I did.  

In service,


*The “15 Questions” may be found within this website by clicking here: 15 Questions

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