Full of It

Overeaters Anonymous Milwaukee Area Intergroup
Full of It

When I heard Jenn A tell her story for us at the MAI Convention, I couldn’t help but relate to so many of the things she said. I especially loved her use of the phrase “struggle bus,” realizing that I had been a passenger on it since childhood. Jenn related how she had been different sizes and weights over the course of her life. I, too, had experienced extremes with weight throughout my life, until joining the OA program.  In my twenties, I wore a size 8 dress the day I received my MRS degree, as Jenn called it, and when my thin husband and I went on our honeymoon, I ate and drank myself up ten pounds from our wedding, which was only two weeks earlier. I probably would not ever have met Jenn, but I was able to connect to her in a meaningful and memorable way, even though we were miles apart. I think her title for the talk, ”Full of It,” was perfect, because she was full of hope, and she poured that into me.

Reflection written by Anonymous OA Member

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