The Beauty of Recovery

Overeaters Anonymous Milwaukee Area Intergroup
The Beauty of Recovery

When I listened to Nancy J. speak on “The Beauty of Recovery,” I was a bit enchanted.  Yet it was not a fantasy situation.  She was a woman of my age with similar marital and family connections.  I immediately felt her reality and felt in tune with her OA recovery story.  She spoke of the AA Big Book frequently, giving quotes from various pages – quotes that were fundamental to her own “new design for living.” I was so impressed by the all-in commitment she made to her OA recovery once she hit bottom.  She had had earlier contact with OA, but that had been many years earlier.  Her all-in approach went like this.  Each day she went to work, ate dinner out at the same restaurant, followed the same eating plan and then went to an OA meeting, next went home and to bed with OA materials and podcasts. In that way she survived any hunger pangs that might come and was spared from overeating. Now that description is skimming over some key realities.  How did she avoid overeating when hungry late in the day?  What were those OA “materials” and where did she find those “podcasts?”  You will want to hear her tell it all.

Reflection written by Joy M.

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